Cosmic Creative Propensity (2)

ʼEh‧yeh′ ʼAsher′ ʼEh‧yeh′ – “I shall become what I shall become” (Ex 3:14 – my own interpretation)

I thought perhaps I might try and open up how I see that phrase “fundamental cosmic creative propensity” (George Gantz’s comment in response to Anthony Aguirre’s essay at Big Questions Online) being quite explicit and meaningful to my own model of reality. Continue reading

Cosmic Creative Propensity

Interesting essay entitled “What Does Our Understanding of Time Suggest About the Nature of Reality?” at Big Questions Online (Templeton Foundation website).

I was especially taken by the first comment (in the discussion in the right hand column) in which the commenter, George Gantz, made the following observations:

The determinism of the Unitary Block falls apart in light of the issues of complexity/ computability and quantum indeterminacy. Moreover, we cannot deny the evidence of our own experience – the Experienced World is where we live every day…The only answer that seems to make any sense to me is that mathematical laws provide the form into which physical laws (behaviors) emerge, driven by a fundamental cosmic creative propensity… Continue reading